Publication date: 06/07/2022
Name | Role |
Examining board:
Name | Role |
UEBER JOSÉ DE OLIVEIRA | Internal Examiner * |
Summary: I seek to analyze the contributions of Ciro Flamarion Cardoso in the epistemological debate of History in Brazil from the 1980s to 2011, aiming to understand his role in the reception of historians heirs of the linguistic turn and post-structuralism. In order to make sense of Cardoso's contribution, I start from two questions: a) Did Cardoso undertake a coercive speech in relation to these contributions? B) if you did, what was the meaning that guided such practice? As I have a vast body of work on the subject, I analyze his arguments referring especially to irrationalism and postmodern theses, in order to elucidate the hypothesis presented. Furthermore, I think about the relations of disciplinary disputes in which Cardoso had some participation within the History in Brazil, understanding the role that the historian has as an intellectual charged with a social and symbolic status within the discipline, in addition to seeking to unveil the position occupied by Cardoso. in Brazilian historiography. The path adopted to construct the analysis involves two steps. a) understand who Cardoso is and how he was formed as a historian, understand the multiple meanings of postmodernity and the linguistic turn and expose Cardoso's concern on the subject; b) to analyze how Ciro Flamarion's argumentative construction is focused on the construction of a discourse that aims more at the ethical-political aspect of a defense of history as a science and its reaffirmation than in an analysis of the authors cited by him, in addition to presenting how that such speech was received by their peers. In this sense, we will use the conceptual contributions of Michel de Certeau regarding the historiographical operation, Jean-François Lyotard, Frederic Jameson and Alex Callinicos about the concept of postmodernity, concluding with Michel Foucault and on the discipline.
Key-words: Historiography, Intellectual History, Ciro Flamarion Cardoso, Postmodernity, Rationalism.