Funding agencies and partnerships

I) Funding and Partnerships
We would like to highlight the support we have received from federal agencies (such as Capes and CNPq) and state agencies (such as Fapes and Facitec).

Proap/ Capes
In 2012, we received the amount of R$43,000.00 for the Master's and Doctorate programs. The accounting spreadsheets are available on our homepage under Master’s and Doctorate / Additional Information / Funding and Partnerships.

Capes/ Scholarships/ Events
Capes has also supported us by granting social demand scholarships. At the end of 2012, we had 15 Master’s scholarships and 9 Doctoral scholarships in the program.

Fapes/ Scholarships/ Events
The Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Espírito Santo (Fapes) has launched several calls for proposals to support and fund postgraduate activities. In 2012, Fapes changed the system and launched a Scholarship Quota Call for Master’s Scholarships. The PPGHis applied in 2012 and received a total of 11 Master’s scholarships and 3 Doctoral scholarships.

Facitec/ Scholarships/ Events
The Facitec – Support Fund for Science and Technology of the City of Vitória classifies projects individually based on their quality, prioritizing the areas of interest of the city of Vitória. At the end of 2012, the PPGHis had 1 Master’s scholarship.

MCT/ Finep/ CT-Infra/ Ufes
The direction of the Center for Human and Natural Sciences (CCHN) developed a project to strengthen the research and postgraduate infrastructure at the Center in 2008. In this sense, a project was presented for the construction of the first module of a set of buildings for the expansion of postgraduate studies at the Center, submitted to MCT/CT-INFRA/Finep 01/2009. Finep approved the amount of R$1,516,565.00. At the end of 2011, Ufes began the process of constructing the building and allocated R$2.2 million for the work. The project aims to house various research centers, administrative spaces, a mini-auditorium, defense rooms, a sectorial library, and research rooms for students, among others. We hope that, with this funding and the financial contribution from Ufes, the construction of this set of buildings will improve the working infrastructure of the Postgraduate Program in History.

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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910