Program historical

In 2003, approval was obtained from the Coordination of Higher Education Staff Improvement (Capes) for the operation of the master's program, which marked the beginning of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in History at Ufes. The recommendation was issued through Official Letter 423/2002 from the CTC/CAPES, endorsed by the National Education Council (CNE) by Opinion 83/2003 dated April 9, 2003, and recognized by Ministry of Education (MEC) Ordinance No. 1,585, published in the Official Diary of the Union on June 23, 2003. In 2010, the doctoral program in History was created, with Capes’ recommendation issued through Official Letter 177-20/2010, and activities commenced in August 2011. The doctoral program was endorsed by the CNE via Opinion No. 168/2011 and recognized by MEC Ordinance No. 1,364 of September 29, 2011, Section 1, pp. 40-41, published in the Official Diary of the Union on September 30, 2011. The most recent recognition of the master’s and doctoral programs was granted through Ministry of Education (MEC) Ordinance No. 656, published in the Official Diary of the Union on July 27, 2017.

Graduates and enrolled:The program already has 371 masters and 109 doctors and counts with 89 students regularly enrolled, being 42 in the masters and 47 in the doctorate.

Name of the coordinators and assistants-coordinators:

Period 2023-2025
Coordinator: Julio Cesar Bentivoglio
Assistant Coordinator: Josemar Machado de Oliveira

Period 2021-2023
Coordinator: Belchior Monteiro Lima Neto
Assistant Coordinator: Julio Cesar Bentivoglio

Period 2019-2021
Coordinator: Belchior Monteiro Lima Neto
Assistant Coordinator: Gilvan Ventura da Silva

Period 2018-2019
Coordinator: Gilvan Ventura da Silva
Assistant Coordinator: Belchior Monteiro Lima Neto

Period 2016-2017
Coordinator: Sebastião Pimentel Franco
Assistant Coordinator: Pedro Ernesto Fagundes

Period: 2014-2015
Coordinator: Sebastião Pimentel Franco
Assistant Coordinator: Geraldo Antonio Soares

Period: 2012-2013
Coordinator: Adriana Pereira Campos
Assistant Coordinator: Gilvan Ventura da Silva

Period: 2010-2012
Coordinator: Antonio Carlos Amador Gil
Assistant Coordinator: Adriana Pereira Campos

Period: 2007-2010
Coordinator: Adriana Pereira Campos
Assistant Coordinator: Márcia Barros Ferreira Rodrigues

Period: 2005-2008
Coordinator: Gilvan Ventura da Silva
Assistant Coordinator: Valter Pires Pereira

Program report of the CAPES mark:

Evaluation Period: . . . . . Concept:

2017-2020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 (Very Good)
2013-2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 (Very Good)
2010-2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 (Very Good)
2007-2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 (Good)
2004-2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (Regular)
2003-2003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (Regular)

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