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Research groups


Researcher: Adriana Pereira Campos
Academic background: Post-Doctorate
Research groups:
Center for Studies of the 19th Century - UFF
History, Power and Languages - UFES
Center for Studies in Conflict Process and Treatment - UFES
Opinio Doctorum - UFES

Researcher: Almerinda da Silva Lopes
Academic background: Post-Doctorate
Research groups:
A Cesta A Borda: art, history and visual studies - UFRJ
Public Art Study Group - Brazil | GEAP-Brazil - UNICAMP
Transdisciplinary Research Group in Arts and Architecture - UFES

Researcher: Belchior Monteiro Lima Neto
Academic Background: PhD
Research Groups:
History of Classical Antiquity - UFES
History of Ancient and Medieval Africa - UFES
Repertorium: Laboratory of Medieval Studies - UFES

Researcher: Camila Bueno Grejo
Academic background: Post-Doctorate
Research group:
Laboratory for Studies of Political and Intellectual History in the Americas (Lehpi)

Researcher: Érica Cristhyane Morais da Silva
Academic background: Doctorate
Research groups:
Group of Studies on the Ancient Mediterranean World - GEMAM - UFSM
Group of the Laboratory of Studies on the Roman Empire - UNESP/Franca (G.LEIR - UNESP/Franca) - UNESP
History of Classical Antiquity - UFES
Repertorium: Laboratory of Medieval Studies - UFES
Repositorium: Laboratory of Medieval Studies - UFES

Researcher: Gilvan Ventura da Silva
Academic background: Post-doctorate
Research groups:
Historical Archaeology - UNICAMP
Group of the Laboratory of Studies on the Roman Empire - UNESP/Franca (G.LEIR - UNESP/Franca) - UNESP
History of Classical Antiquity - UFES
Narratives, Experiences and Spaces in the Ancient and Medieval World - ARCHEA - UECE
Politics and Religion in the Late Ancient and Medieval West - UFES
Repertorium: Laboratory of Medieval Studies - UFES

Researcher: Josemar Machado de Oliveira
Academic Background: PhD
Research Group:
- Laboratory of History of Political and Institutional Interactions (HISPOLIS) - UFES

Researcher: Julio Cesar Bentivoglio
Academic background: Post-Doctorate
Research groups:
Laboratory of Studies in Theory of History and History of Historiography (LETHIS)
Group of Studies on Linguistic Diversity of Espírito Santo - UFES
Peripheral historiographies in a global perspective - UNICAMP
Laboratory of History of Political and Institutional Interactions (HISPOLIS) - UFES
Historical Temporalities: metaphysics of historical time, regimes of historicity, historiographical regimes, historical-natural time (Anthropocene, Post-Human) - UNESP
Theory, methodology and interpretations in the history of historiography in Brazil - UEMS

Researcher: Karulliny Silverol Siqueira
Academic Background: PhD
Research Group:
History, Power, and Languages - UFES

Researcher: Luiz Cláudio Moisés Ribeiro
Academic Background: Postdoctoral
Research Groups:
Laboratory of Regional History of Espírito Santo and Atlantic Connections (LACES) - UFES
Ports and Cities in the Atlantic World - UFF
VIP Project: Pombaline Indigenous Villages - IFPI

Researcher: Maria Beatriz Nader
Academic background: Post-Doctorate
Research groups:
City of Vitória: history, diversity and social movements. - UFES
Gender relations and social, economic and political institutions - UFES

Researcher: Maria Cristina Dadalto
Academic Background: Postdoctoral
Research Groups:
Data Kula Lab - UFES
Deep Social Lab - UFES
Group of Studies on Linguistic Diversity of Espírito Santo - UFES
Laboratory of Studies on Identities and Technologies - LEIDTEC - UFES
Laboratory of Studies on Migratory Movements (LEMM) - UFES
Spatial Mobility of the Population - UFES
Research Center on Transculturation, Identity, and Recognition - NETIR - UFES

Researcher: Nelson Pôrto Ribeiro
Academic background: Post-Doctorate
Research groups:
Manor houses and their interiors: Portuguese-Brazilian studies in art, memory and heritage - FCRB
Transdisciplinary Research Group in Arts and Architecture - UFES

Researcher: Patrícia Maria da Silva Merlo
Academic training: Phd
Research groups:
Ghaia-Food History Group in Ibero-america - UFPA
Knowledge and Flavors: history of food and healing practices – UFES

Researcher: Pedro Ernesto Fagundes
Academic training: Phd
Research groups:
Republican Brazil - Researchers in Cultural and Political History - UFF
History of the Right - UFF
Study Laboratory in History of the Present Time - UFES
Laboratory of History of Political and Institutional Interactions (HISPOLIS) - UFES

Researcher: Rogério Arthmar
Academic background: Post-Doctorate
Research group:
History, Power and Languages - UFES

Researcher: Sebastião Pimentel Franco
Academic background: Postdoctoral
Research groups:
History, Power, and Languages - UFES
Knowledge and Flavors: history of food and healing practices - UFES

Researcher: Sergio Alberto Feldman
Academic background: Post-Doctorate
Research group:
Politics and Religion in the Late Ancient and Medieval West - UFES

Researcher: Ueber Jose de Oliveira
Academic background: Phd
Research group:
Laboratory of History of Political and Institutional Interactions (HISPOLIS) - UFES

Working groups:

1) Nucleus of Indicative Studies and Research (NEI)
Website: http://nei.ufes.br/
The NEI (Nucleus of Indicative Studies and Research) is an interdisciplinary body linked to the Department of Social Sciences (DCSO) and the Graduate Program in History (PPGHIS) at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). It encompasses the university's levels of operation: teaching, research, and extension. Nationally, the nucleus is associated with the Laboratory of City and Power at the Federal Fluminense University. It is composed of a team of researchers focused on reflecting on social themes such as violence, criminality, citizenship, public security, and social memory. It is an academic space that brings together undergraduate students, professors, and staff from UFES, promoting "experiences," "coexistences," and "learning" that transcend the academic limitations based on Cartesian rationalism and scientism. Moreover, one of the core guidelines of the nucleus is to establish convergence between art, music, cinema, theater, literature, popular culture, and science. The NEI also hosts study groups, research lines, and research projects related to the Humanities and Social Sciences. We are committed to the development of research that embraces the "inter" and "transdisciplinary" character of knowledge, enhancing the specificities and complementarity between different fields of knowledge. Other responsibilities of the nucleus include planning and establishing cooperation mechanisms and agreements with other universities, private institutions, and municipal, state, and federal public administration agencies. The NEI is housed in a 20 m² air-conditioned room furnished with shelves, a table, and cabinets, equipped with three computers, one multifunction printer, and one laser printer. The laboratory is connected to the internet via cable, and it has its own phone extension (4009-7619). The nucleus is responsible for organizing the electronic journal SINAIS, available on its homepage.
The Executive Board of the NEI is composed of the following professors:
- Profª Drª Márcia Barros Ferreira Rodrigues - DCSO/PPGHIS/Ufes (General Coordination)
- Profª Drª Maria Cristina Dadalto - DCSO/PPGHIS/Ufes (Research Coordination)
- Prof. Me. Claudio Marcio Coelho - NEI/Ufes (Administrative Coordination

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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910

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