1) Laboratory of Gender Studies, Power, and Violence (LEGPV)
Under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Maria Beatriz Nader, the Laboratory conducts research of an institutional nature and other academic activities that promote the production and dissemination of knowledge about gender relations, power relations, and gender-based violence against women and men, both intra-familial, domestic, or otherwise.
2) Laboratory of Political History and Ideas Studies (Lehpi)
Founded and registered with CNPq and UFES in 1997, the Laboratory is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Camila Bueno Grejo and Prof. Dr. Fábio Muruci dos Santos, with the participation of other professors from various Brazilian universities. Lehpi aims to develop projects and activities focused on the discussion of topics related to Political History and the History of Ideas. It currently has two research lines: Latin America, history, politics, culture, and territories; and Intellectual History and Essayism in Brazil, Spanish America, and the United States in a comparative perspective. The Laboratory was one of the pioneers in the study of Political History in Espírito Santo.
3) Laboratory of Studies on the Roman Empire (Leir)
Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Gilvan Ventura da Silva, with Prof. Dr. Érica Cristhyane Morais Silva and Prof. Dr. Belchior Monteiro Lima Neto as associates, Leir/Ufes is part of a network formed by six other universities in Brazil: Usp, Ufop, UFG, UCG, Unesp/Franca, and UNIRIO, with national leadership from Prof. Dr. Norberto Luiz Guarinello (Usp). Both nationally and regionally, Leir aims to promote research on topics related to the Roman imperial order, the construction of the imperial territory, and the boundaries between social, ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups.
4) The Laboratory of History, Power, and Languages (LHPL), coordinated by Prof. Dr. Adriana Pereira Campos and with the participation of Prof. Dr. Karulliny Silverol Siqueira and Prof. Dr. Andréa Slemian, brings together researchers dedicated to investigations on power institutions, society, and political languages. Its main goal is to enable research on the Social History of Political Relations, focusing on social actions in their political dimension. The LHPL's research axes include legal practice in imperial Brazil, Brazil/Portugal relations in the 18th century, and the press in the 19th century in the state of Espírito Santo. The Laboratory maintains academic cooperation agreements with renowned international institutions, including the Universidad del País Vasco (Spain), and participated in the TRANSIDER research, funded by the Spanish government. These partnerships aim to promote academic meetings, joint publications, and student exchanges, expanding the reach and visibility of the research conducted by the LHPL.
5) The Laboratory of History of Political and Institutional Relations (Lhipi), coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ueber José de Oliveira and with the collaboration of Prof. Dr. Josemar Machado de Oliveira, aims to promote research on the role of the Brazilian state and its forms of institutional action in response to societal demands, reflecting on the materialization of public policies directed at various areas. Additionally, the Laboratory promotes studies on social relations between elite segments in political-institutional spaces, focusing on the dimension of political parties and party systems, with special attention to the History of Brazil and the state of Espírito Santo during the republican period. Ongoing research covers various topics, such as the organization of the state and its role in fostering economic activities during the imperial and republican periods, citizenship, elections and political parties, theoretical studies on the modern democratic state, and Brazilian political thought, among others.
6) Migratory Movement Studies Laboratory (LEMM). Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Maria Cristina Dadalto and with Prof. Dr. Luís Fernando Beneduzi as a collaborator, LEMM consists of a permanent academic space, which covers the university's three levels of activity: Teaching, Research and Extension. Its lines of research and projects are focused on contemporary themes of human mobility and circularity of ideas. The Laboratory presents itself as a space that seeks to understand the challenges posed to the regional development of Espírito Santo and Brazil. Its reference is the study of changes in relations between society, economy, State and territory formed in Espírito Santo and other states in the country.
7) Laboratory of Theory of History and Historiography´s History (Lethis). Under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Julio Bentivoglio, Lethis was created on the occasion of the 40th Metahistory congress, in 2013. It is a Laboratory that integrates with other important research centers in the area of Theory of History, Methodology of History and History of Historiography, such as the Center for Studies in History of Historiography and Modernity at Ufop and Lab-Teo at Usp, also being part of the International Network for Theory of History. Lethis aims to promote, produce and disseminate studies and events related to this sub-area of historical knowledge.
8) Laboratory of Late Antique and Medieval Iberian/Sefardi Studies (Letamis). Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Sergio Alberto Feldman, with the collaboration of professors from Brazil and abroad, Letamis is dedicated to the study of the Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula, focusing on the relationships between established powers, especially monarchies and the Catholic Church, and minorities (heretics, Jews, lepers, Muslims, prostitutes, homosexuals, witches, and other social/religious groups) that represent "otherness," standing in contrast to dominant groups. The Laboratory's proposal is to serve as a space for research, discussion, and interaction for students dedicated to topics in Medieval History, particularly those addressing conflicts involving minorities/otherness, especially regarding Iberian Jews, but also extending this scope to other regions of Western Europe during the medieval period. Letamis encompasses five main areas of investigation: a) Jewish presence in the West, with an emphasis on the Iberian Peninsula; b) Muslim presence in Medieval Western Europe; c) Minority and excluded groups; d) The thought of Latin Patristic authors; e) The body and sexuality in the medieval West.
9) The Laboratory of Regional History of Espírito Santo and Atlantic Connections (Laces). Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Luiz Cláudio M. Ribeiro, Laces is an academic space dedicated to teaching and research that will soon initiate extension activities. Its current research lines focus on: theoretical formulation and the creation of collections; the investigation of ethnicities and human displacements; the analysis of mercantile networks and the formation of economic structures; and the integration of Espírito Santo into the broader field of studies on the Portuguese Overseas Empire. The scope of interest encompasses the formation of constituent spaces within the territory of the captaincy of Espírito Santo and its elastic zones of confrontation, where both native groups and European colonizers roamed. There is also an interest in exploring human presence along the coast, within river basins, and the management of vegetation and the "natural landscape" from the perspective of Environmental History. Laces also includes regional studies related to urbanization policies, economic growth, and their impact on the formation of Espírito Santo’s society, its political culture, and environmental effects in the region between the 19th and 21st centuries.
10) The Laboratory of Knowledge and Flavors: History of Food and Healing Practices. Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Patricia Maria de Silva Merlo with the participation of Prof. Dr. Sebastião Pimentel Franco, the Laboratory of Knowledge and Flavors aims to foster debates on the circulation of knowledge, practices, and ideas, as well as cultural exchanges in the modern world. By valuing empirical research and engaging with contemporary methodologies and approaches, the laboratory seeks to shed new light on themes well-established in Luso-Brazilian historiography from different perspectives and to introduce new subjects into the field of historical knowledge production. The studies presented here are based on a wide range of documentary sources and scientific accounts produced, collected, or compiled by Luso-Brazilian or foreign citizens. The history of food and health emerges as a potential focus for historians, offering an alternative perspective on societal developments. This approach aligns with the historian’s role of exploring such alternatives and providing a foundation for projecting new perspectives.
11) Repertorium - Medieval Studies Laboratory. Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Érica Cristhyane de Morais Silva and composed of researchers Prof. Dr. Gilvan Ventura da Silva (UFES/DHIS/PPGHIS); Prof. Dr. Belchior Monteiro Lima Neto (UFES/DHIS/PPGHIS); Prof. Dr. Carolina Coelho Fortes (UFF); Prof. Dr. Margarida Maria de Carvalho (UNESP/Franca-SP); Prof. Dr. Paulo Duarte Silva (UFRJ) and foreign collaborators Profa. Dr. Fernanda Magalhães (UMinho); Paul Du Plessis (University of Edinburgh/United Kingdom); Rebeca Blanco-Rotea (UMinho). The Repertorium, Laboratory of Medieval Studies was created with the purpose of hosting research and researchers interested in the historical context between, traditionally, the 5th to 15th centuries, a classic chronological cut, not excluding debates about the beginning and end of the medieval world. We will also welcome studies on the so-called West and East considering the medieval Mediterranean, particularly important is the inclusion of both the African continent and the Levant Region, The Anatolian Peninsula and/or Asia Minor, the Balkans as parts of the Middle Ages considering both approaches, methods , theories and objects at the intersection of History with Archaeology, Sociology, Political Sciences, Anthropology, Geography.