Institutional exchanges program

Integration of Faculty Members in Research Groups External to the Program:

ADRIANA PEREIRA CAMPOS – Member of the Núcleo de Estudos de História da Retórica e da Oratória Políticas (UEL), Núcleo de Pesquisa e Estudos em História Cultural (UFF), and Sociedade de Estudos do Oitocentos (UFF), all part of the CNPq's DGP. Among the laboratories she participates in, the Sociedade de Estudos do Oitocentos (SEO) stands out, being an interinstitutional research space focused on the events of the "long nineteenth century," covering the period from the crisis of the ancien régime at the end of the 18th century to the First Republic. This period overlaps with the main focus of the Laboratório de História, Poder e Linguagens (LHPL), coordinated by Prof. Adriana. Through the partnership between SEO and LHPL, the research team of PPGHis/Ufes has participated in regular events organized by the Center, promoting scientific exchange on concepts, methods, and topics related to the 19th century, resulting in notable intellectual gains for students and faculty. Prof. Dr. Adriana Pereira Campos is also part of the team for the project Caminhos da política no Império do Brasil, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Lúcia Maria Bastos das Neves (UERJ) and supported by PRONEX/CNPq.

ALMERINDA DA SILVA LOPES – Member of the Grupo de Estudos sobre Arte Pública Geap-Brasil (Unicamp), coordinated by Prof. Dr. Sylvia Furegatti (Unicamp) and registered in the CNPq’s DGP. Geap-Brasil also collaborates with the Grupo de Pesquisa em Arte Pública at the Federal Fluminense University (UFF), coordinated by Prof. Dr. Luiz Sérgio de Oliveira.

BELCHIOR MONTEIRO LIMA NETO – Member of the Laboratório de Estudos sobre o Império Romano (Leir), coordinated by Prof. Dr. Norberto Luiz Guarinello (USP).

ÉRICA CRISTHYANE MORAIS DA SILVA – Member of the Grupo do Laboratório de Estudos sobre o Império Romano (Gleir) at Unesp/Franca, the Laboratório de Estudos sobre o Império Romano (USP), and the Grupo de Estudos sobre o Mundo Antigo e Medieval (Gemam) at UFSM, all registered in the CNPq’s DGP. Notably, the Laboratório de Estudos sobre o Império Romano (Leir) is a research group dedicated to studying the Roman Empire and the Ancient Mediterranean, aimed at stimulating academic research and the formation of human resources in Ancient History. The group includes researchers from several public universities: Ufes, UFG, Unesp-Franca, UNIRIO, UFCG, and UFRJ, in addition to USP and Ufop.

GILVAN VENTURA DA SILVA – Member of the Laboratório de Estudos sobre o Império Romano (Leir/USP), the Grupo de Pesquisa Arqueologia Histórica (Unicamp), the Núcleo de Estudos Mediterrânicos (UFPR), the Grupo de Pesquisa Cultura escrita e oralidade na Antiguidade e no Medievo (Uece), the Grupo de Estudos de gênero, discursos, religiosidades e usos e costumes do passado da Antiguidade Clássica à Tardia (UFPA), and ATRIVM – Espaço Aberto de Estudos Clássicos (UFRJ), all registered in the CNPq’s DGP. Like Prof. Érica, Gilvan is part of the Laboratório de Estudos sobre o Império Romano (Leir), which fosters research on the Roman Empire and the Ancient Mediterranean and includes members from several universities.

JULIO CÉSAR BENTIVOGLIO – Member of the Grupo de Pesquisa Ideias, cultura e política na formação da nacionalidade brasileira (UERJ) and the Grupo de Pesquisa Teoria, metodologia e interpretações na História da Historiografia no Brasil (UEMS), coordinated by Prof. Dr. Diogo da Silva Ruiz. Both groups are registered in the CNPq’s DGP. The collaboration with UEMS has resulted in the publication of three books by Milfontes Publishing. Prof. Julio also integrates the Laboratório de Teoria da História e História da Historiografia (LABTEO) at USP and participates in the Observatório da História, based at UNIFESP, which monitors and analyzes historiographical production in Brazil. Additionally, the Lethis/Ufes lab, coordinated by Prof. Julio, is part of the NEHM (Ufop) and Comum (Uerj) networks for Theory of History, promoting events, publications, and exchanges.

LUIZ CLÁUDIO MOISÉS RIBEIRO – Member of the Grupo de Pesquisa Portos e cidades no Mundo Atlântico (UFF), registered in the CNPq’s DGP. Prof. Luiz is also an associated researcher at Pólis, Laboratório de História Econômico-Social (UFF). He was part of the team for the project Acervo Documental da SPU (SPU-UFF-BID).

MARIA BEATRIZ NADER – Member of the GT de História de Gênero at Anpuh, the GT População e Gênero at the Brazilian Association of Population Studies (Abep), a collaborator of the Laboratório de Estudos de Gênero at USP, and a researcher at the Núcleo de Estudos de Exclusão e da Violência (Neev/Uenf). The collaboration with Neev focuses on gathering and analyzing data on exclusion and violence, particularly regarding interethnic and gender relations. This exchange has facilitated regular updates on violence against women in Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro, as well as joint events and publications. Maria also participates in the project Sobrevivência (s) e violência de gênero no espaço acadêmico, coordinated by Prof. Dra. Lídia Possas (UNESP/Marília), funded by CNPq.

MARIA CRISTINA DADALTO – Member of the research project Os poloneses e seus descendentes no Brasil: um processo contínuo de integração, coordinated by the Laboratório de Estudos sobre Etnicidade, Racismo e Discriminação at USP in partnership with the University of Warsaw. The project's goal is to contribute to new knowledge about the history and memory of Poles in Brazil.

PEDRO ERNESTO FAGUNDES – Member of the Grupo de Pesquisa Brasil Republicano: Pesquisadores em História Cultural e Política (UFF) and the Grupo de Pesquisa História das Direitas e do Autoritarismo (UFF), both registered in the CNPq’s DGP. Pedro is also part of the research project Como eles observavam: a vigilância e a produção de informações sobre o movimento estudantil durante a ditadura militar (1969-1979), coordinated by Prof. Dr. Angélica Muller (UFF), funded by CNPq’s Universal Grant.

UEBER JOSÉ DE OLIVEIRA – Member of the Grupo de Pesquisa em Inovação e Desenvolvimento Capixaba (GPIDECA), an interdisciplinary research group focused on knowledge economy, innovation, local innovation systems, productive arrangements, and regional development policies. GPIDECA is associated with REDESIST – Rede de Pesquisa em Sistemas e Arranjos Produtivos Locais, coordinated by Prof. José Eduardo Cassiolato and Maria Helena Martins Lastres from UFRJ’s IE.

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