General Information
Welcome to Postgraduate Program in History (PPGHIS) at Ufes
The Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes) has been a higher education institution for 70 years. It is located on four campuses - Goiabeiras and Maruipe, in Vitória; Alegre, in the south of the state; and São Mateus, in the north - and it comprises ten teaching centers that bring together different areas of knowledge. It has 1,570 professors, of whom 1,034 are doctors. Its Integrated Library System (SIB) is the largest in Espírito Santo, with around 440 thousand books. Its postgraduate programs include 48 master's and eight professional master's courses, and 26 doctoral courses. Ufes operates through different channels, such as printed newspapers and magazines, homepages, radio and TV. Several assistance programs are offered to students to keep them at the University until they complete their studies. Additionaly, the university provides various services to the community, including health care, legal services, language teaching and preparation for entry into higher education.
With the responsibility of producing and disseminating scientific, artistic and technological knowledge in the region, the History Department was created in 1953 and, in 1995, the regular offering of lato sensu postgraduate courses in History began, with the support of Coordination of Higher Education Staff Improvement (Capes), at a time when the job market was beginning to demand greater professional qualifications from teachers. In 2003, approval was obtained from the Capes for the operation of the master's course, which initiated the activities of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in History at Ufes. The recommendation was made through Official Letter 423/2002 from CTC/CAPES, approved by the National Education Council (CNE) through Opinion 83/2003 of 4/9/2003 and recognized by Ordinance of the Ministry of Education (MEC), under No. 1,585, and published in the Official Diary of the Union (DOU) on 6/23/2003. In 2010, this time, the doctoral course in History was created with the recommendation of Capes through Official Letter 177-20/2010, and its activities began in August 2011. The doctoral course was approved by the CNE through Opinion No. 168/2011 and recognized by Ordinance MEC No. 1364 of 9/29/2011, section 1, p.40-41, published in the Official Diary of the Union on 9/30/2011.
The program is based in Vitória-ES, offering the course of Master in History since 2003 e the course of Doctorate in History since 2011 and has an academic qualification profile certified by CAPES, receiving 5 on its last evaluation.
The program already has 371 masters and 109 doctors and counts with 118 students regularly enrolled, being 62 in the masters and 56 in the doctorate.