Type: PhD thesis
Publication date: 14/06/2023

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Examining board:

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ANDRÉ MALVERDES External Examiner *
UEBER JOSÉ DE OLIVEIRA Internal Examiner *

Summary: The purpose of this research constituted in investigating the Médici Government (1969-1974) reaction before the allegations of human rights violations notified abroad. Our theoretical basis mobilizes the concepts of representations and struggle elaborated by Roger Chartier. During the period under study, several allegations, which assured the authoritarian and violent character of the Brazilian reality under the aegis of generals, circulated in the international environment, especially the reports that described torture sessions of political prisoners. Such circulation occurred due to the action performed by those in exile, who were organized in international solidarity nets and could mobilize themselves to put into evidence their representations about Brazil, what we call reporting practices. The way the Government reacted, assuring the existence of a defamation campaign against Brazil, represented the effort to dispute with what was being said about the country by the Brazilians in exile conditions. We have worked with the hypothesis that Dictatorship had been directly proportional towards the political power of allegations made by the ones. It is understood that the engagement observed in the official bodies to affirm their view of Brazil, demonstrated the acknowledgment by the Médici Government concerning the need to get involved in the dispute for what was said about the country at that time. That can be reinforced by the fact that, as several waves of those in exile arrived overseas, their supervised liberty enabled them to take to the public opinion the international reports that were able to confront the image of self-affirmed legitimacy by the dictatorial political power, anticipating, even in a disordered way, the great mobilizations that were shaped in 1974, under the banner of amnesty. The documents available in the National Archive elaborated by the Division of Safety and Information of the Justice Ministry and Foreign affairs were analyzed, as well as the National Information Service. To these sources, the report of International Amnesty, published in 1972 was added and made available by the Centre of Documentation and Memory (Cedem) at the State University in São Paulo (Unesp). Likewise, even more newspapers of national circulation made available by the Digital Newspaper Library inside the National Library were analyzed. Based on this documental corpus, it was possible to determine that, simultaneously with the reporting practices conducted by the ones in exile and supported outside the country, the Dictatorship undertook vigilance practices that aimed at preventing the circulation of the opponents’ ideas, at the same time that attempted to value their view of the facts reported, supporting the argument that the allegations were nothing more than slanders intended to defame Brazil abroad. The strategy used constituted in the disqualification and indictment of the whistleblowers. At last, we concluded that Dictatorship pursued to reverse the game of truth, putting itself in the condition of the opponents’ victim.

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